13 noviembre 2012



The policies and practices of the academic unit in it assert that there is an environment of learning and scholarship administered effectively and equitably.


The unit has a mission statement and faces a long-term strategic planning that ensures a vision and direction for their future. Identify needs and resources to fulfill its mission and its goals with the support of the university administration outside the unit.

(a) The unit has policies and procedures for effective government; ensures oversight of educational policy and curriculum implementation. (b) The administration provides recognized leadership in and out of the unit and is effectively in dealing with the central administration of the university. (c) The faculty, staff and students have channels to express their concerns and that they are met.


• Mission Statement of the unit. • Strategic Plan for a period of not less than five years. • Minutes of meetings of faculty, advice or other management agencies. • Evaluation of the directors of the unit by the faculty and central administration of the university.

The unit also offers a curriculum and training that enables students to gain knowledge, skills and values that prepare them to work in a democratic, inclusive and comprehensive.

Values and skills:

The American Council of Education Accreditation in Journalism requires, beyond the particular characteristics of each institution, every graduate observe certain values and basic skills, and be able to:

Understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of expression and press freedom in the country in which the institution is invited to CLAEP, and receive knowledge and understand the scope of freedom of expression systems worldwide, including right to dissent, control and criticism of government actions.

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the history and the role they have professionals and the media in shaping public opinion.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of peoples and cultures of each country and of the importance and impact of social communication in a global society.
  3. Understand the concepts, the application of the theories of the proper use and presentation of images and information.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics and work values of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity.
  5. Think critically, creatively and independently.
  6. Investigate and evaluate information by methods appropriate for professions in communication area in which they work.
  7. Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications professions, audiences and purposes they serve.
  8. Critically evaluate the accuracy, fairness, clarity, appropriate style and grammatical correctness of their own work and that of others.
  9. Apply basic numerical and statistical concepts.
  10. Apply tools and technologies appropriate for the professions in which they work.

Good journalism and communication program should offer extensive training in the humanities and sciences, designed to broaden the intellectual level of the students, not to mention that progress requires media professionals to play their role in a world increasingly interconnected, wherein the demands for quality information grow in proportion to the quantity and quality of communication channels and techniques.

Students should be able to collect, process, analyze, synthesize, and communicate information in a format appropriate to their areas of expertise. They must offer theoretical and practical courses in basic skills such as writing, journalistic genres, editing, visual communication, design, and digital technologies that enable them to function in journalism and communication in different media (radio, television, traditional media platforms and digital). Whatever the area of specialization of the race, all students should have a basic training in areas such as history, law, economics, ethics and communication theory. Students must receive content and concepts related to the humanities and sciences both in their specific courses and in academic research units and impart such knowledge fields.

The Council recommends that the arts and science subjects are taken in the specific unit, provided that the structure of the university allows. To ensure compliance with this policy, the Council calls for the inclusion in the self-study report information on the number of hours per semester or quarter (as appropriate) students taking different courses in journalism and communication in the two years preceding academic accreditation visit.

To graduate students must take a minimum of 120 hours / week / semester. It is expected that a minimum of 72 teaching hours / week / semester (60%) corresponds to the sciences and humanities, and 48 teaching hours / week / semester (40%) to media, techniques and languages in journalism and / or communication.

(a) Instruction is demanding, and current achievements in teaching and learning are recognized and valued. (b) The proportion student / faculty existing in the classroom facilitates effective teaching and learning in all courses, it is strongly recommended a ratio of 15 to 1 student and teacher in the laboratory and technical sections. The ratio in each section should not exceed 20/1. (c)The unit recommends and promotes opportunities for internships and other professional experiences outside the classroom and monitors and evaluates when granting credit.

When practices are carried out of the credit institution must not exceed a semester course or equivalent.


• Records and transcripts of students. • Newsletters and brochures of the unit. • Career plan, program of courses and other materials on each course. • Records of awards and teaching, stimulus program for curriculum development and training, attending educational workshops, and educational publications and articles, if any. • List of students per course. • Records and statistics and evaluations of practices with and without academic credit. • Classroom visits. • Interviews with students.

Teachers must be academically and professionally qualified for their responsibilities and, as far as possible, the full-time teachers should be primarily responsible for training, research and academic management within the unit.


(a) The unit has drafted guidelines for the selection and performance evaluation of all part-time faculty, part-time professor, or full time. (b) The full-time faculty have primary responsibility in teaching, research, creative and extension. (c) Resumes faculty represent a balance of experience and expertise and updated by academic faculty development opportunities, relationships with professional and academic associations, and proper supplementation teaching part-time or part-time professorship. (d) The unit regularly evaluates teaching, including devices incorporating the views of the student body.


• Resumes faculty part time and full time. • Course evaluations and other methods to determine the effectiveness of teaching. • Evaluation process for the review of contributions and teaching performance. • Records of selection and recruitment of academics.

Units must have specific policies and administrative measures to require teachers training activities, research and professional and creative work, which goes beyond their teaching.


(a) The unit requires, supports and rewards research and creative activity and / or professional faculty. (b) The unit specifies expectations research and creative activity and / or professional in their hiring and promotion criteria. (c) Evaluation criteria for promotion, tenure and merit recognition considers appropriate activities and recognizes professional and academic specializations of faculty members. (d) The faculty communicate the results of research and creative activities and / or other academic professionals, educators and attendees through presentations, productions, exhibitions, workshops and publications appropriate to the activity and mission of the unit and the institution. (e) The unit fosters a climate of support for intellectual curiosity, critical analysis and expression of different points of view.


• Reports of travel funds and scholarship support, if any. • Reports teachers promotions, entitlements and other forms of recognition. • Resumes faculty and reports of the unit on research and creative activities and practitioners. • Record production and creative professionals and teachers.

The unit provides students with support and services that promote learning and ensure timely completion of their program of study.


(a) Staff faculty advisor and / or professional ensures that students are aware of the institutional requirements and unit for graduation and provides academic advising. (b) The faculty is accessible and available to students. (c) The unit keeps students informed about the race, the activities, policies and requirements of the unit. (d) The unit and the teaching imparted in it offer students opportunities and extracurricular activities relevant to the curriculum and develop their abilities and interests and intellectual. (e) The unit collects, maintains and analyzes information on enrollment, retention, graduation rates and other data to improve service to students and reduce barriers to success they may face.


• Records, transcripts and student records. • Advice guides, manuals, newsletters and internal communications. • Statistics on enrollment, scholarships, retention and graduation. • Examples of student media and information about student professional organizations.

The unit plans, seeks and receives adequate resources and support to realize its mission and strategic plan.


(a) The unit has a detailed annual budget for the distribution of resources that is related to a long-term strategic plan. (b) The institution provides the resources that are equitable in relation to those supplied to other academic units. (c) Unit facilities facilitate and promote knowledge, teaching and effective learning. (d) The institution and the unit offers teachers and students access equipment and requiring its curriculum, research and creative activities and practitioners. (e) The institution and unit offer sufficient databases and literature to support research and the professional development of teachers and students.


• A detailed budget (income versus expenses). • Inspection tour of the library, facilities and equipment. • State laboratories and technological upgrade plans, with corresponding budgetary allocation. • Existence of enough classrooms, with suitable conditions for teaching. • Designated comprehensive training and meeting students (auditoriums, theater, cafeteria, sports venues) in cultural, arts and sports.

The unit provides activities for community service and / or academic services and / or professionals both the general public and industry. The unit evaluates the integration of graduates in the field of journalism and communication and incorporates data from its analysis process.


(a) The unit is actively engaged with the graduates, professionals and professional associations in order to update the curriculum and teaching and promote the exchange of ideas. (b) The unit provides leadership in the development of high standards in professional practice through activities such as continuing education, promotion of professional ethics, performance evaluation and treatment of communication issues that are of public concern. (c) The unit contributes to the improvement of journalism and communication as academic fields, supporting the participation of faculty in academic associations and related activities. (d) The unit works with communities through service projects, internships, work placements and teacher participation in civic activities related to journalism and communication. (e) The unit supports community service through activities such as school workshops, external conferences and work of students and teachers in the areas of communication and journalism aimed at social organizations. (f) The unit has systematized and updated records of their graduates that allows contact them and include them in outreach programs, professional practice and training programs.


• Records Unit, brochures and publications on activities of community service related to the mission and strategic plan. • Bulletins students, surveys, meetings and other activities. • Travel and other support for teachers to participate in academic and professional organizations. • Information about courses and services available to professionals and the public. • Register of graduates. The method by which keep this information updated. • Records (records or other documents) meeting with graduates.
